Mayor of London Funds The Cyber Helpline: First 6 months of London Cybercrime Service


Addressing Cybercrime in London: The Cyber Helpline's Impact

The Cyber Helpline (TCH) has been bridging the critical gap in support for victims of cybercrime, digital fraud, and online harm in London. Thanks to MOPAC's support, The Cyber Helpline, in the first six months, was able to provide free, expert assistance to 8,789 victims in the capital. 

The Urgent Need for Localised Support

In the past 13 months, over 58,000 individuals have reported instances of cybercrime and fraud to the Metropolitan Police, with financial losses amounting to more than £353 million. These staggering figures only represent those who have come forward, while many victims choose not to report these crimes. Consequently, they endure severe mental health impacts, significant financial losses, and concerns over their personal safety. The scale and severity of these issues highlight the critical need for localised support to address the complex challenges posed by cybercrime.

The Cyber Helpline’s Strategy

To tackle these challenges effectively, TCH has developed a comprehensive strategy centered on localised support. This includes the implementation of a localised chatbot and a dedicated helpline team, designed to provide immediate assistance and guidance to victims of cybercrime. Additionally, TCH has established referral pathways with law enforcement and other organisations to ensure that victims receive the necessary support and resources. Recognising the technical complexities of cybercrime, TCH also offers support for police officers who may lack the specialised expertise required to handle such cases. Through these measures, TCH aims to enhance the overall response to cybercrime, ensuring that victims receive timely and effective support.


🔹 Top Three Cybercrimes in London- first 6 months:

  1. Cyberstalking

  2. Online harassment

  3. Hacked social media accounts

🔹 User Demographics:

  • Gender: Just over 50% of service users identify as female.

  • Age: The largest proportion of users are aged 25-39 (41%), followed by those aged 40-66 (33%), and 18-24 (17%). 

  • Top three London Boroughs:

    1. Barking & Dagenham

    2. Wandsworth

    3. Tower Hamlets

The first six months have been instrumental in laying the groundwork for TCH's impact in London. Moving forward, TCH remains committed to supporting victims of cybercrime and enhancing a safer digital environment for all Londoners. 

Have you fallen victim of cybercrime or online harm? Get Help from our cyber experts today.