Volunteer Q&A: From lorry driver to SOC analyst


In early 2020 Sergiu applied to be a volunteer at The Cyber Helpline. Currently working as a lorry driver, he was looking for a way to get into an industry he was passionate about - cyber security. Sergiu joined and 12 months later, with the support of the team, he had landed his first role in cybersecurity working as SOC analyst for a telecommunications company. A key goal of ours is to help individuals get ino and progrogress in cyber security and this is a great example of our work here.

The following is a Q&A with Sergiu about his experiences. 

When did you first get interested in cybersecurity?

“I have been interested in computers from a really early age - I was just always interested in how they worked and what they could do. I first got interested in cyber security in high school when classmates started asking me to help them stop people harassing them online. Throughout my life I have been playing with computers and learning about online threats and ways to stop them.”

You worked as a lorry driver for a long time, what stopped you getting into the cyber security industry? 

“My first job was working as a lorry driver. I liked the idea of working as a lorry driver, but after years of driving I realised that this wasn’t going to be the right career for me. My interest in how to keep people and IT systems secure was taking up more and more of my personal time and I knew I wanted to make this my career.”

The main challenge I faced in trying to get a foot in the door was my lack of experience or formal training when I first started applying for jobs.”

Why did you join The Cyber Helpline?

“While searching for roles I came across one of the volunteering opportunities with The Cyber Helpline - one of the few volunteering roles I had found in this space. It looked like a great opportunity to get some cyber security experience, help people who had got into trouble online and learn from other cyber security experts.

The role was as a Helpline Responder. This means I would be directly helping the victims who needed help and would receive a range of training on how to spot different types of cyber attacks and how to help the user through their issue.” 

How did your experiences at The Cyber Helpline help you find a role?

“Without The Cyber Helpline I would not have got my first role in cyber security. The training and experience really made a difference on my CV, but more importantly the direct help the team gave me with writing my CV, mentoring and coaching me around the interview process gave me the confidence to keep pushing and apply for roles I wouldn’t have previously.”

What role did you get and what are your career plans?

“After 12 months in The Cyber Helpline I accepted a job as a Security Operations Centre analyst in a large telecommunication company.

The work of handling incidents, handling stressful situations, working on the helpdesk and understanding how to make decisions within a response framework really prepared me for working in the kind of role I wanted to get. 

One thing I will always carry with me in my cyber security career is the importance of protecting individuals' data and the technology they use. I have helped so many people who have been on the wrong side of a cyber security issue and I want to make sure that the security teams I work in understand the importance of what we do.”

Are you interested in volunteering at The Cyber helpline? If so, you can apply here.