How to Avoid Shopping Scams on Facebook Marketplace and Fake Online Shopping Sites


In a time where digital transactions and online markets predominate, purchase scams have increased frequently as scammers develop ever-more sophisticated strategies to prey on consumers.

This guide sheds light on the intricacies of purchase scams, focusing on common types, providing comprehensive strategies to safeguard against them, and offering real-world examples for a better understanding, particularly on popular platforms like Facebook Marketplace and fake online shopping websites.

Real-Life Scenarios

  1. Fake Listing Scam on Facebook Marketplace:

    • Example: A buyer encounters a listing for a new iPhone 14 on Facebook Marketplace priced at £300. Despite the seeming bargain, the seller's profile appears legitimate, adorned with positive reviews. The buyer purchases the iPhone, only to realise that the seller never ships the product. This scenario emphasises the risk of fake listings, even when the seller seems trustworthy.

  2. Overpayment Scam on a Fake Online Shopping Website:

    • Example: A buyer navigates to a seemingly legitimate online shopping website to purchase a new laptop. The buyer pays for the laptop, but the website issues a check for £1,000 more than the purchase amount. The buyer, trusting the apparent error, deposits the check and refunds the excess. Unfortunately, the check bounces, leaving the buyer out of the refunded money.

  3. Prepaid Shipping Scam on Facebook Marketplace:

    • Example: A buyer expresses interest in a used car listed on Facebook Marketplace, priced at £5,000. Unable to afford the full amount upfront, the buyer negotiates with the seller, who agrees to ship the car if the buyer covers the shipping costs. The buyer pays for the shipping, only to discover that the seller never ships the car. This example highlights the risks associated with prepaid shipping arrangements, especially when dealing with high-value items.

How to Avoid Purchase Scams

  1. Exercise Caution with Too-Good-to-Be-True Deals:

    • The fake iPhone listing exemplifies the importance of scepticism when encountering deals that appear unrealistically favourable.

  2. Research Sellers Thoroughly:

    • Investigate the seller's profile and reviews. The laptop overpayment scam emphasises the need for due diligence, even on seemingly trustworthy websites.

  3. Prioritise In-Person Meetings:

    • The prepaid shipping scam underlines the value of face-to-face interactions or secure payment methods when dealing with expensive items. Arrange to meet in a safe, public location, and bring someone else if that makes you feel more at ease.

  4. Avoid Gift Card Payments:

    • Especially in scenarios that deviate from standard transactions.

  5. Exercise Caution with Links:

    • Being cautious about clicking links is a general practice to prevent falling victim to phishing attempts.

What to Do If You Think You Have Been Scammed

  1. Report to the Platform:

    • In each scenario, reporting the scam promptly to the respective platform is crucial for preventing further scams. If you need further guidance, reach out to The Cyber Helpline for help.

  2. File a Complaint with the Authorities:

    • Complain with the authorities responsible for consumer protection and online fraud.

  3. Dispute Charges:

    • The laptop overpayment scam highlights the importance of disputing charges promptly to mitigate financial losses.

Additional Tips

  1. Buy from Reputable Sellers:

    • The examples emphasise the significance of choosing sellers with positive reviews and established reputations.

  2. Use Secure Payment Methods:

    • Secure payment methods play a crucial role in the laptop overpayment scam, offering protection against various scam tactics.

  3. Guard Personal Information:

    • Safeguarding personal information remains paramount in all online transactions.

  4. Keep Transaction Records:

    • This aids in quickly identifying and resolving fraudulent charges.

By being vigilant and incorporating these steps and additional considerations into your online transactions, you can bolster your defences against purchase scams, ensuring a safer and more secure digital shopping experience. Regaining control of your online presence requires awareness, diligence, and proactive security measures.

Remember, the digital landscape is ever-evolving, and continuous vigilance is key to staying ahead of potential threats. For more in-depth information and additional resources, visit The Cyber Helpline cybersecurity guides.

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