The Cyber Helpline

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Navigating Digital Nightmares: A Survivor’s Battle Against Online Harassment

Technology can serve as a double-edged sword for women grappling with domestic abuse: while it has the potential to save lives, it also has the capacity to lay bare one's most intimate vulnerabilities. One such harrowing story comes from a survivor (which we will call Bridget to protect her anonymity), who faced a nightmare of cyberstalking, intimate image abuse (colloquially known as revenge porn), and relentless online harassment that lasted for years. This narrative underscores the crucial imperative for collaboration between law enforcement and tech giants to forge a safer online environment and offer unwavering support to victims.

The Case:

Bridget 's ordeal began when her ex-partner got a hold of her personal laptop and discovered intimate images with another partner, saved in the cloud, from many years ago. After their breakup, he resorted to blackmail, threatening to release explicit photos unless she complied with his demands.

Bridget quickly went to alert the authorities, but law enforcement's initial response was dismissive, advising Bridget to ignore the threats. This is a typical response, since in some cases, ignoring does make things better over time. However, in a lot of cases, they tend to escalate. It is common in cyberstalking and harassment cases that blocking or ignoring has the potential to embolden the tormentor, leading to increased aggression

The attacker began disseminating explicit content on various platforms, creating fake profiles and inviting strangers to harass her- also leaking her real location, name, and personal details. This would go on on a daily basis, and he would even utilise photo manipulation to create more intimate images, using images of bodies of other women found online. When Bridget would get some content removed, many more appeared right after.

At one point, her tormentor transitioned from the virtual realm to her physical space. His presence materialised at her doorstep one night, marked by a sequence of events that included unsettling photographs sent as he neared her residence. The pounding on her door, coupled with disturbing messages expressing violent hatred, plunged Bridget into a state of sheer terror. The police's initial advice to “simply lock the door” further underscored the gaps in understanding the severity of the threat.

For three long years, Bridget endured a relentless game of cat and mouse, with her tormentor arrested multiple times but evading justice. No Stalking Prevention Order was ever put in place by authorities. However, The National Stalking Helpline intervened, and were able to help reclassify the case from ‘malicious communications’ to ‘stalking', eventually leading to the perpetrator's imprisonment.

A few months after his imprisonment, Bridget received a letter informing her that her stalker would be eligible for home detention curfew in the coming months. Appalled by this revelation, she delved into her own research online, discovering that he was ineligible for such a lenient measure due to the severity of his offence. Taking immediate action, she contacted the authorities and provided her findings. Upon verification, they concurred with her assessment, keeping him in custody. This incident serves as a stark illustration of the systemic flaws within the judicial system.

Bridget’s stalker was convicted for nearly two years, of which, in the end, he served only half. 

Challenges in Content Removal:

The struggle did not end with the legal victory. Bridget faced challenges in removing the explicit content from the internet, having to report content on a daily basis within Twitter (X), Google and other websites. The process of removing content from Google was particularly cumbersome, emphasising the need for better cooperation between tech platforms and authorities.

The Revenge Porn Helpline assisted in taking down some material, but the process was arduous. Many websites refused to cooperate, requiring victims to navigate complex content removal procedures. Sites hosting explicit content proved especially difficult to compel, with some refusing to cooperate with law enforcement. 

Police Inefficiencies:

The handling of Bridget 's case by law enforcement revealed significant inefficiencies. The lack of a Stalking Prevention Order and inadequate understanding of cyberstalking allowed the perpetrator to continue terrorising for years. Bridget also pointed out that the police inadvertently educated her tormentor on how to avoid detection, because he would ask them how he was caught, and they would tell him exactly how.

An Unsettling Social Media Culture:

The comments left on the leaked content ranged from disturbing to outright threatening, reflecting a pervasive and toxic trend in social media. Strangers hiding behind the cloak of anonymity felt empowered to engage in cyberbullying, making horrifying remarks about Bridget ’s personal appearance, body, and even advocating for violent acts. The comments not only intensified her trauma but also showcased the alarming lack of empathy prevalent in the online realm. The victim’s story highlights the urgent need for a collective effort to combat the toxic culture that allows such behaviour to thrive.

The Ongoing Struggle:

Bridget 's story underscores the intersection of revenge porn, stalking, and domestic abuse. Perpetrators often use explicit content as a tool for control, causing lasting emotional and psychological trauma. Victims and survivors of this domestic abuse tend to get trapped into relationships, isolate themselves, and start avoiding any kind of contact with the outside world. This takes an immense toll on a survivor's mental health and wellbeing, and that of their families as well. 

Even after the perpetrator's imprisonment, Bridget continues to live in fear. The fear of recurrence, coupled with the lasting impact on her personal and professional life, showcases the long-lasting consequences of cyberstalking and online harassment. 

The Learnings:

By forging a strategic partnership between the Criminal Justice System and major tech platforms such as social media networks and Google, significant strides could have been made in mitigating the harrowing ordeal endured by individuals like Bridget. 

A harmonised approach could have streamlined the reporting and removal processes for harmful content, sparing victims the arduous task of navigating complex procedures alone. 

Moreover, improved data sharing and evidence collection mechanisms could have bolstered investigations, ensuring perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Through joint education and training initiatives, both law enforcement and tech platforms could empower users to recognise and report instances of cyberstalking, fostering a safer online environment for all. 

This collaborative synergy represents a pivotal opportunity to fortify responses to cyberstalking and provide vital support to those in need.

3 learnings from this case, which we must get the community & organisations to push for:

  1. Streamlined Reporting and Removal Processes: Collaboration between law enforcement agencies and tech platforms could lead to the development of streamlined reporting and removal processes for abusive content. By working together, they could establish direct channels of communication and protocols for handling reports of cyberstalking and harassment. This collaboration could result in faster response times from tech platforms in removing harmful content.

  2. Data Sharing and Evidence Collection: Improved collaboration between the criminal justice system and tech platforms could facilitate the sharing of relevant data and evidence. Law enforcement agencies could work with tech platforms to obtain crucial digital evidence, such as IP addresses and account information, to aid in the investigation and prosecution of cyberstalking cases. Additionally, tech platforms could implement mechanisms to preserve and provide access to evidence, ensuring that perpetrators cannot evade justice due to lack of digital evidence.

  3. Education and Training Initiatives: Collaboration between the criminal justice system and tech platforms could involve joint education and training initiatives aimed at raising awareness about cyberstalking and promoting best practices for prevention and response. This could include training sessions for law enforcement officers on how to effectively investigate cyberstalking cases and engage with tech platforms to address online harassment. Tech platforms could provide resources and training materials to help users recognise and report abusive behaviour, empowering them to take action against cyberstalking and harassment.


Bridget 's story serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers individuals, especially women, face in an increasingly online world.

Reflecting on her traumatic experience, Bridget advocates for crucial changes in the legal, technological, and societal landscapes to prevent others from enduring a similar situation. She emphasises the pressing need for law enforcement to undergo specialised training in handling cyberstalking cases, ensuring a deeper understanding of the nuances involved. 

Bridget urges for the implementation of effective legal tools, such as Stalking Prevention Orders, to provide comprehensive protection against relentless tormentors. In the realm of technology, she calls for enhanced cooperation between platforms and law enforcement, facilitating the swift removal of explicit content and the identification of those responsible. 

On a broader societal scale, Bridget underscores the importance of fostering empathy and awareness regarding the profound impact of cyberstalking, revenge porn (intimate image abuse), and online harassment. Her courageous plea for systemic changes aims to create a safer digital environment, where victims receive the support they need and the perpetrators face the consequences of their actions.

How we Help:

If you or any of your loved ones have experienced cybercrime, you don’t have to go through it alone. The Cyber Helpline can provide crucial support for individuals dealing with intimate abuse in the following ways:

  • Confidential Advice and Support: The Cyber Helpline offers confidential advice and support to victims of intimate image abuse. This includes guidance on how to handle the situation and emotional support from trained professionals who understand the distress and complexities involved.

  • Reporting and Legal Guidance: We assist in understanding the legal aspects of revenge porn and guide victims on how to report the incident to the appropriate authorities. This can include advice on collecting evidence, filing a police report, and understanding the laws that apply to their case.

  • Technical Assistance: The Cyber Helpline can provide guidance on how to identify, report and remove non-consensual images and videos from the internet. We provide advice on how to contact websites and social media platforms to request the removal of content.

  • Safety and Privacy Measures: We offer practical advice on how to protect one's online presence and privacy. This includes tips on securing social media accounts, using privacy settings effectively, and avoiding further breaches.

  • Referrals: We provide connections and refer victims to appropriate support groups and other organisations that specialise in dealing with revenge porn and cyber harassment, including counselling services to help victims cope with the psychological impact.

By offering a combination of technical, legal and emotional support, The Cyber Helpline plays a vital role in helping victims of intimate image abuse navigate through the aftermath of cybercrime.

We work towards empowering victims and helping users regain their online confidence.

If you're a victim of cyberstalking, online harassment or intimate image abuse (“revenge porn”), please reach out to The Cyber Helpline for support:  Get Help Now

If you’re a victim of any other cyber crime, or want to learn more about protecting your digital landscape, you can access The Cyber Helpline’s free guides.

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