Protection Against Stalking & The Cyber Helpline West Kent Cyberstalking Clinic
Get expert help from a team of cyberstalking experts
Book an Appointment
Are you being cyberstalked? Is someone using technology as part of a physical stalking case? Are you an agency with a cyber stalking case where your client needs expert cyber security & stalking support?
Protection Against Stalking and The Cyber Helpline have teamed up to provide a unique monthly stalking clinic in West Kent - Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Malling and Tunbridge Wells. This is an opportunity to meet with an expert team to help you deal with your cyberstalking issue.
What is the West Kent Cyberstalking Clinic?
Once a month the West Kent Cyberstalking Clinic provides sixteen 45 minute appointments for individuals who need help with a live cyberstalking, cyber-enabled stalking or domestic abuse related stalking issue. At the appointment you will meet with a stalking expert from Protection Against Stalking and a cyberstalking & cyber security expert from The Cyber Helpline.
At the appointment we will:
Get you to share what has happened to date
Help you understand what is happening and the type of harassment or stalking you are experiencing
Perform a nationally recognised risk assessment
Give you immediate advice to improve your cyber security and personal safety
Create a high-level safety plan integrating both the online and offline elements of your issue
Consider referrals to other specialist organisations who can support you
Answer any questions you have around what is happening.
Ongoing support can be provided as required
How will the clinic help me?
By having access to both a cyber security and a stalking expert at the same appointment we are able to provide a complete view of your options. We can help you understand what is happening, how the stalker may be using technology as part of the stalking, teach you how to secure your devices, show you where evidence of the stalking may exist and help you build a plan to deal with the stalking.
Most of all we can provide a safe space to meet with experts to discuss your case and help you deal with the issue.
We will also make sure you have access to ongoing support from stalking and cyberstalking experts to support you with your issue.
Who can book an appointment?
Any individual who is 18 or over and is either living or working in West Kent can book an appointment. Our experts can only communicate in English, so you must either be able to communicate in English or have someone with you who can translate. You must also have a live issue that you are dealing with - we can not help with putting proactive cyber security in place as a protective measure.
We are more than happy for other agencies to refer service users to the clinic.
Where and when is the clinic?
The clinic runs monthly on a video call between 12 noon and 8pm. For details of the locations, dates, available appointments and to book use the form opposite.
Can you take my devices and analyse them for evidence?
We operate an ‘assisted self-help model’. This means we cannot take possession of your devices for analysis. We also do not physically use your devices or accounts to look for evidence or secure them. Instead we provide step-by-step help and guidance to help you collect evidence or implement security recommendations. If we feel you should have a forensic investigation performed on your devices we will help you understand your options.
I need immediate help!
If you need immediate help - or can’t make a physical appointment - we can still help. You can use The Cyber Helpline chatbot to get immediate help with an online security issue or you can email Protection Against Stalking to set up a chat with a stalking expert on
Delivered in partnership with Protection Against Stalking